Production technology interview Q & A

CNC Turning Lab CTTC - engineinside

Production Technology Interview Questions. 39 Q & A                           

Answers are marked bold

Q.1 ]  The lead screw of a lathe has __________ threads.
A. single start
B. double start
C. multi-start
D. any one of these

Q.2 ]  While drilling in lathe, drill is held on
A. Head stock
B. Tail stock
C. Compound rest
D. Lower limit

Q.3 ]  The lathe spindles are usually made hollow and provided with
A. Internal taper
B. External taper
C. Internal and external taper
D. No taper

Q.4 ]  Tungsten is added to increase the
A. Hot hardness
B. Abbrassion resistance
C. Only a
D. Both a &b

Q.5 ]  A Cutting tool used to finish and enlarge a hole is known as_______________.
A. Dril
B. Tap
C. Die
D. Reamer

Q.6 ]  When the cutting edge of the tool is dull, then during machining
A. continuous chips are formed
B. discontinuous chips are formed
C. continous chip with built up edge are formed
D. no chips are formed

Q.7 ]  Side rake angle of a single point cutting tool is the angle
A. by which the face of the tool is inclined towards back
B. by which the face of the tool is inclined sideways
C. between the surface of the flank immediately below the point and a plane at right
angles to the centre line of the point of the tool
D. between the surface of the flank immediately below the point and a line drawn from
the point perpendicular to the base

Q.8 ]  The process of bevelling sharp ends of a workpiece is called as____________-
A. Knurling
B. Grooving
C. Facing
D. Chamfering

Q.9 ]  For softer materials, the point angle of the drill is kept
A. Equal to 118°
B. Less than 118
C. More than 118°
D. Any one of these

For harder materials like stainless steel the drill point angle is more than 118 degree.

Q.10 ]  Which one of the following is used for holding end mill cutter-
A. Collet
B. Draw-in-bar
C. ‘ T ‘ bolt
D. Boring bar

Q.11 ]  Segmental chips are formed during machining of :
A. mild steel
B. cast iron
C. high speed steel
D. high carbon steel

Q.12 ]  The grooving is an operation of :
A. Bevelling the extreme end of a workpiece
B. Embossing a diamond shaped pattern on the surface of a workpiece
C. Reducing the diameter of a workpiece over a very narrow surface
D. Enlarging the end of a hole cylindrically

Q.13 ]  A milling cutter should have three main properties. Which one of the following is correct ?
A. Hardness, Toughness and resistance to wear
B. Hardness, brittleness and resistance to wear
C. Hardness, softness and resistance to wear
D. Hardness, flexible and resistance to wear

Q.14 ]  Chip breakers are used to :
A. Increase tool life
B. Remove chips from bed
C. Break the chips into short segments
D. To minimise heat generation

Q.15 ]  The rake angle required to machine brass by high speed steel tool is
B. 10°
C. 20°
D. -10°

Q.16 ]  The lathe cariage serves the following purpose of the tool :
A. Guiding
B. Feeding
C. Supporting
D. All of the above

Q.17 ]  The ductile materials, during machining, produce :
A. Continuous chips
B. Continuous chips
C. Continuous chips with built up edge
D. Either (a) or (c)

Q.18 ]  In metal cutting, use of low feeds and high cutting speeds is desired when the objective is :
A. High metal removal rate
B. Dry machining
C. Use of soft cutting tool
D. Surface finish

Q.19 ]  In reaming process
A. Metal removal rate is high
B. High surface finish is obtained
C. High form accuracy is obtained
D. High dimensional accuracy is obtained

Q.20 ]  The bill of material does not consists of :
A. Part number
B. Specifications of part
C. Name of the part
D. Price of the part

Q.21 ]  Only two perpendicular components of cutting force act on the tool in case of ………. cutting.
A. oblique
B. orthogonal
C. 3D
D. Inclined

Q.22 ]  In which of the operation on lathe, the spindle speed will be minimum :
A. Knurling
B. Rough turning
C. Taper turning
D. None

Q.23 ]  Drill sleeve is used when the taper shank of the drill is ____________.
A. Smaller then the machine spindle
B. Larger then the machine spindle
C. Equal to machine spindle
D. None of the above

Q.24 ]  The cutting tool removes the metal from workpiece in the form of :
A. Solid blocks
B. powder
C. Chips
D. None of the above

Q.25 ]  Which of the following is not a specification of lathe machine tool?
A. chuck size
B. swing over diameter
C. distance between centers
D. bed length

Q.26 ]  The difference between the maximum and minimum sizes allowed in manufactured components is called :
A. Clearance
B. Allowance
C. Tolerance
D. Limit

Q.27 ]  To obtain good surface, the ideal machining allowance for finish grinding would be
A. 0.1 mm
B. 0.2mm
C. 0.5mm
D. 0.8 mm

Q.28 ]  The lathe centres are provided with standard taper known as
A. Morse taper
B. Seller’s taper
C. Chapman taper
D. Brown and sharpe taper

Q.29 ]  The process of chamfering the entrance of a drilled hole is known as__________.
A. Counter-boring
B. Counter-sinking
C. Counter-fillet
D. Trepanning

Q.30 ]  Which among the following is the purpose of finish milling ?
A. To bring the workpiece to the required dimensions.
B. To bring the workpiece to the required surface finish.
C. a & b both
D. neither a nor b

Q.31 ]  In a Hacksaw; Cutting action takes place in:
A. Reverse Stroke
B. Forward Stroke
C. Both Stroke
D. None of These

Q.32 ]  Internal gears can be made by :
A. hobbing
B. shaping with pinion cutter
C. shaping with rack cutter
D. milling

Q.33 ]  In up milling, the thickness of chip is :
A. minimum at the beginning of the cut and maximum at the end of the cut
B. maximum at the beginning of the cut and minimum at the end of the cut
C. uniform throughout the cut
D. none of these

Q.34 ]  Tool signature consists of __________ elements
A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. seven

Q.35 ]  Down milling is also called :
A. Conventional milling
B. Climb milling
C. End milling
D. Face milling

Q.36 ]  The included angle of Square Thread is
A. 45
B. 0
C. 60
D. 90

Q.37 ]  Twist drills are made of :
A. high speed steel
B. carbon steel
C. stainless steel
D. either (a) or (b)

Q.38 ]  A mandrel is used to hold :
A. An eccentric work
B. A heavy work
C. A thin work
D. None of these

Q.39 ]  When tolerance given in one side of the basic dimension, it is called-
A. Tolerance system
B. Allowance system
C. Unilateral tolerance
D. Bilateral system

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