


Taking everything into account, this was another excellent dealt with. This part incorporated a lot of tough as nails riding and voyaging. Venturing to every part of the tallest zenith of Karnataka was unadulterated joy. The battle with the mist divine creatures was something out of the run of the mill and something I’ll review for a long time.

This part remained down the pipeline for an extended period of time. It had flopped a couple of times and a short time later finally one day it was just ago. We took off. Thursday evening I got a call inquiring about what was gotten ready for the week’s end which was unfurling. Exactly when all of the 4 of us were set up to vanish the next day and hit the road. No hesitations were offered the chance to rise in our cerebrum. We were resolved to a 3 excursion. The spot was picked to be Chikmagalur and we would leave the next morning.

TIME: 14:45 (20/6/2013)

DAY1: Strike Down!!


Unquestionably I was up at about 05:00, did two or three push-ups and sit-ups had some coffee and were a great idea to go. Left my home at about 05:45 and rode to Nandini Layout as the party was arranged at Dattu’s place. At about 06:00 we in general met, after a regular invite we left Bangalore.

TIME: 06:30

RIDE 1.1: (Bangalore – Nelmangala – Kunigal – Belur Cross – Hassan)

This was the chief stretch of our 3 days adventure. This was a 180kms stretch on the Bangalore-Mangalore interstate (NH-48). As we had left early the atmosphere was dazzling and the enormous 6-way road made riding basic. Get in touch for Resorts in Chikmagalur if you want to have memorable your trip. Just visit Resorts in Chikmagalur.

TIME: 07:45

As we had our morning supper I exhorted the others about the course of action for the next 3 days. What’s more, moreover, asked with regards to whether he was worthy to ride till Hassan as the avenues were amazing. After a for the most part superb breakfast we left. Additionally, Dattu who was riding on the street on the grounds that, ran away at a fabulous pace. Zethu and Deefu rode behind at a close-by detachment. We rode at a particularly uniform rate to reach Hassan with a couple of breaks in the center. Charitable better trust it not to disregard one interference into a farm on the avenue as well 😛

TIME: 11:30

This ensuing stretch was commonly 70kms. Regardless, it had generally crude avenues with the last 20kms of cheerful riding. As we came to Hassan we took the Ring road with the objective that we could avoid riding into the town. At the point when we were out of the town, the atmosphere began to turn cloudy and the light sprinkle made our ride commonly amazing. I asked regarding whether he was satisfactory to continue. He said he was. The boulevards turned a little bit at a time conflicting and the sprinkling extended to a window decoration like shower which I felt was just extraordinary. We could distinguish the windmills a far separation beating the thick haze on the hillocks. This uncommonly fantastic sight gave us extraordinary elation. We believed the atmosphere would stay like this until the completion of our ride.

Riding further we entered the forest area, where we 4 on a few bikes were essentially bound. So the talking and the singing began. We totally had a great time each second of the ride before showing up before a titanic lake. Survey the little ducks swim in the lake we decided to push to show up at the old asylum of Halebeedu.

TIME: 12:25


To begin with, luckily the spot wasn’t pressed. In addition, the cool atmosphere made our visit an extraordinary one. Halebeedu signifies “old residence”.

After around 30 minutes we left Halebeedu. As we had not had anything since breakfast, we decided to stop at a cake search for some light chomps.

Belur is about 15kms from Halebeedu. Nevertheless, the boulevards are in the forsaken state anyway through forests.

TIME: 13:00


Belur is most likely the best instance of Hoysala Architecture. It is known for the magnificently carved Chennekeshava asylum. It is said it has taken around 100 years to complete this asylum. It contains distinctive divider carvings done perfectly. These carvings portray scenes from epic stories, for instance, Ramayana, Mahabharta, etc

You could keep watching these grand carvings and basically show a break of the condition. Each slicing has its own story to tell. The accounts they let you know maybe legitimate or false. In any case, essentially watch them for yourself and relate to your own records. It’s so much better that way!!

In addition, my favored spot at this spot is the Kalyani where a few turtles and lots of fishes live 😀



Yagachi Dam isn’t generally 5kms from Belur. Likewise, is a spot surely worth visiting while on the way to Chikmagalur? Luckily the lanes turned awesome, tremendous wide boulevards with astonishing greenery kept us perky. As we arrived at Yagachi, we halted our bikes and to a long stroll around the dam until we crashed at a spot. We remained there just allowing the breeze over the waters to come crushing onto our appearances. What a tendency that was!

TIME: 15:00


After a striking short stay at Yagachi, we rode at an OK pace along the smooth lanes through the infection winds to reach Chikmagalur. In the wake of showing up at the town, we honestly hit the hotel as our stomachs had dissented.

TIME: 16:00

As we were crunching down like confirms of no place the housing owner said that our bikes were about to be towed as we had halted in the “no halting zone”. Without question and tended to the authority in spite of everything crunching on the leftover food on our unwashed fingers 😛

At the point when that was settled, we started pursuing a lodge to crash. While inquiring into one, I heard a characteristic voice from behind. It was Gagan, my old amigo from school. Chikmagalur was Gagan’s old neighborhood and he requested that we stay at his place. Regardless, we inferred that it was better if stay at the lodge itself. Finally, in the wake of getting some more food and grabbing something to drink for the night, we settled down at the lodging to close DAY-1.

“So that was DAY-1. Had a lot of riding on the streets, visiting places that had compositional perfection gave us all the satisfaction required for the essential day. So with Belur, Halebeedu and Yagachi viably under our belts, it was the perfect open door for DAY – 2 which inferred certified crap”

DAY 2: Unraveling Chikamaglur – Layer by Layer!!


Day 2, I was up at about 04:00 (certifiable a dozing issue), had look at the events that expected to happen, and that had happened. We went on a long walk discussing the day’s course of action and all the while getting a charge out of the reality of the infection. After around 30-45 mins we decided to head back as we didn’t require Dattu to get a tendency that we left back to Bangalore leaving him 😛

The resulting day full-scale division came up to around 200kms. In any case, better trust it was through slim coffee homes and slants. So it was on a whole unmistakable level. We left the inn at about 06:15 and it was so far a virus. We decided to cover Mullayangiri first.


Mullayangiri is the tallest apex of Karnataka and is about 22kms from proper Chikmagalur. So we rode at a decent pace to show up at the deviation from the guideline road. After this, we could feel something would happen and we were right. In the wake of rising a few hundred meters, the dimness just started pouring in from all sides. The fog was thick and we could see barely two or three feet from our bikes. Additionally, this was going on as we were organizing twists on an incline, no uncertainty about it trust you get the condition. In any case, we were getting a charge out of never the less. After several kilometers of the fog storm, we showed up at a splendid spot where we spend the accompanying 30mins to pick whether we excursion or ride till the top.

At some point or another, we had quite recently halted our bikes near some ashram on top. Moreover, we were sitting around on the grass which was overpowered with haze. It had turned out so well that we had disregarded time and places to cover for the day. After sooner or later we decided to the excursion to the top which was up ’til now a nice 3kms away.

The walk was no basic task. We felt it was an amazing decision to leave the bikes as the avenues were very close and totally wrecked. In addition, the fog kept getting thicker as we rose. Regardless, the walk around it was bewildering and surprising at the same time.

We showed up at the base of the plant and decided to examine the natural elements. We climbed a little hillock near to which opened up to a little level ground on top. Before showing up at we could hear the breeze growl. When were on top, we were totally recovered by what we experienced. Strong, I mean unfathomably strong breezes, cold and chilly began to hit us at uncommon paces. Others were getting a charge out of the kick, anyway I being the lightest didn’t know whether my feet would contact the incline in the coming minutes 😛

We spent about 30mins at this spot. At one point in time, we just plunked down and let the breezes passing on a huge amount of fog essentially hit our appearances. We were totally up to speed in.


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