CNC Turning Lab CTTC - engineinside

Q.1 ] What is the highest RPM of CNC Lathe Machine ?
ANS –  4,500.
Q.2 ] What is the highest RPM of CNC Milling Machine?
ANS –  10,000.
Q.3 ] What is the highest RPM of CNC Jig Grinding Machine?
ANS –  80,000 to 1L.

Q.4 ]  What is cycle time in CNC Machining?
ANS –  It is the time from start of the program to program end.
Q.5 ]  What is Lead time?
ANS –  It is the time taken from start of job to finishing of job.

Q.6 ]  After conventional milling job is sent to grinding for what properties?

ANS –  Job is sent to Grinding to obtain these properties ;1. Flatnesss
2. Surface Finish (Reference Grinding)
3. Accuracy
Q.7 ]  What is the allowance that is kept for Grinding?
ANS –  0.5mm.

Q.8 ]  What must be optimal cutting speed if cutting tool is made of H.S.S. an cutting  material is made of mild steel?
ANS –  22-25m/min.
Q.9 ]  What must be optimal cutting speed if cutting tool is made of Carbide an cutting matrial is made of mild steel?
ANS –  60-120m/min.
Q.10 ]  What must be optimal cutting speed if cutting tool is made of High Carbon Steel an cutting matrial is made of mild steel?
ANS –  15-18m/min.

Q.11 ]  Name some famous tool supplier companies?
1. Sandvik
2. Taegutec
3. Iscar, Israel (For Precission threading)
4. Birla Cana Metals U.K (For Precision threading)
5. Widax (Cheap and Best)
6. Ceratizit
7. Seco
8. Minda

Q.12 ]  What is the surface finish obtained on a job after Grinding?
ANS –  0.2 to 0.8 micron.
Q.13 ]  What is the surface finish obtained on a job after Buffing/Honing?
ANS –  0.025 to 0.1 micron.

Frequently asked Definitions :

Q.13 ]  What is the definition for cutting speed ?

ANS –  The rate at which the tool travels over the job which is expressed in m/min.

Q.14 ]  What is definition for feed?

ANS – Feed is the linear advancement of tool against the workpiece per revolution.



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