Metrology Questions


Metrology Questions for Interview. 37 Q & A                       

Answers are marked bold

Q. 1] A depth of a hole can be measured with 0.01 accuracy by using ______________?
A. two pin micrometer
B. Vernier caliper
C. depth micrometer
D. both b & c

Q. 2] Plug gauge is used for________.
A. checking hole dimension
B. checking shaft dimension
C. checking thread
D. none

Q. 3] Types of tolerance are?
A. unilateral & bilateral tolerance
B. dimensional and shape tolerance
C. geometrical and dimensional
D. None

Q. 4] The difference between actual size and basic size is known as ___________
A. Tolerance
B. Precision
C. Error
D. Accuracy

Q. 5] Which gauge is used to check the internal thread ?
A. plug gauge
B. Ring gauge
C. Thread plug gauge
D. Thread Ring gauge

Q. 6] For what purpose ratchet in micrometer is used?
A. for tightening
B. for creating uniform human pressure while taking measurement.
C. for locking
D. none

Q. 7] In case of limit gauge which size will not enter into the hole?
A. GO size
B. NOGO size
C. both a & b
D. none of these

Q. 8] What is the composition of invar steel?
A. Steel & chromium
B. Nickel & Chromium
C. Steel & Nickel
D. None

Q. 9] 1 micron =___________mm.
A. 0.01mm
B. 0.001mm
C. 0.0001mm
D. 0.1mm

Q. 10] The least count of metric micrometer is ______________ ?
A. 0.01mm
B. 0.05mm
C. 0.1mm
D. . 0.5mm

Q. 11] Height gauge is used for _______ purpose.
A. Marking
B. Measuring/checking height
C. Both marking and measuring height
D. Checking depth

Q. 12] Ǿ72p6 here P indicates ?
A. Grade of deviation
B. pinion mechanism
C. Fundamental deviation
D. Fundamental deviation of shaft

Q. 13] Groove micrometer is used for _________?
A. Measuring groove depth
B. Measuring groove length or diameter
C. Measuring groove size
D. Both a & b

Q. 14] What is the principle of micrometer?
A. Nut and screw
B. sliding
C. rack and pinion
D. none

Q. 15] The accuracy of the CMM is______
A. 3 μ
B. 1μ
C. 0.1μ
D. None

Q. 16] Which of the following is known as checking instruments?
A. clippers
B. gauges
C. ruler
D. sinebar

Q. 17] Three pin inside vernier micrometer having _______________________.
A. 3 scales
B. 1 scales
C. Many scale
D. None

Q. 18] Which of the following can be used to check surface roughness?
A. Autocollimator
B. spirit level
C. Surface roughness tester
D. None

Q. 19] Try square is a ______________instruments.
A. Checking
B. comparing
C. measuring
D. none of these

Q. 20] What is the purpose of Telescopic gauge?
A. Checking outside diameter of shaft
B. checking internal diameter of hole
C. checking height
D. none

Q. 21] Mechanism of dial vernier calliper _____________ ?
A. Nut and screw
B. Sliding
C. Taper screw
D. Rack & pinion

Q. 22] Interchangeability is normally applied for
A. repairing of parts
B. mass production
C. single piece production
D. all of the above

Q. 23] What is the thread angle for whitworth thread ?
A. 30
B. 29
C. 55
D. 45


Q. 24] What is the purpose of Slip gauge?
A. checking internal diameter of hole
B. checking clearance
C. checking
D. none

Q. 25] Nearer to the basic size is known as________
A. Interchangeability
B. Precision
C. Accuracy
D. None

Q. 26] Three pin inside vernier micrometer least count is _________ mm.
A. 0.005mm
B. 0.002mm
C. 0.001mm
D. 0.01mm

Q. 27] What is the material used for the frame of the micrometer?
A. cast Iron
B. Invar steel
C. stainless steel
D. Tungsten carbide

Q. 28] Which of the following is an indirect measuring instrument?
A. vernier caliper
B. steel rule
C. Inside caliper
D. Bevel angle protractor

Q. 29] Which mechanism is used in cmm?
A. air bearing
B. sliding
C. roller
D. optical

Q. 30] Which of the following is an example of H7g6?
A. Transition fit
B. Interference fit
C. Slight press fit
D. Clearance fit

Q. 31] Which micrometer has no anvil?
A. outside
B. inside
C. depth
D. screw thread

Q. 32] 1 deg is _____________ minute.
A. 30min
B. 45min
C. 60min
D. 90min

Q. 33] Concentricity of outside diameter can be checked by ____________________
A. Vernier caliper
B. Outside Micrometer
C. Dial test indicator
D. Tube micrometer

Q. 34] In Ø10H7 hole dimension ‘H’ is ___________ and ‘7’ is_____________?
A. Hole and grade of tolerance
B. Grade of tolerance and fundamental deviation
C. Basic size and grade of tolerance
D. Fundamental deviation and grade of tolerance

Q. 35] Go limit is __________.
A. upper limit of a shaft
B. both A & C
C. lower limit of hole
D. none of above

Q. 36] Feeler gauge & snap gauge are ___________&______________gauge respectively.
A. Limit, standard
B. standard, limit
C. Go, No Go
D. None

Q. 37] In hole basis system
A. The size of the shaft is made constant
B. The size of the hole is made constant
C. The permissible tolerances are given on the hole and the shaft
D. Allowance is given only on the hole


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