I C Engines


Classification of IC Engines :

  1. According to cycle of operation;
    Two Stroke cycle engines
    Four Stroke Cycle engines
  2. According to cycle of combustion;
    Otto Cycle (Combustion at constant volume)
    Diesel Cycle (Combustion at constant pressure)
    Dual Combustion or SemiDiesel cycle engine (Combustion partly at constant volume and partly at constant pressure)
  3. According to valve arrangement :

Over Head Valve engine
L-Head Type engine
F-Head type engine
T-Head type engine

4. According to intake process
Naturally aspirated – No intake air pressure boost system
Supercharged – Intake air pressure increased with compressor driven off the engine crankshaft.
Turbocharged – Intake air pressure increased with the turbine-compressor driven by engine exhaust gases.
Crankcase Compressed – Two stroke cycle engine which uses the crankcase as the intake air compressor.

Also read : IC Engine Applications – Engineinside


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