Five Year Plan IX – XII


9th 5 year plan (1997- 2002) 


  • “growth with social justice and equality” 
  • emphasis on seven basic minimum services, which included safe drinking water, universalization of primary education, streamlining PDS among others 
  • Pursued the policy of fiscal consolidation. 
  • Decentralization of planning with greater reliance one States and PRI (panchayat Raj institute). 
  • Ensuring food and nutritional security to all. 
  • Empowerment of women, SC/ ST/ OBCs.. 


  • Global economic slowdown and other factors led to revision of targeted growth rate from 7% to 6.5% that too was not achieved. The economic grew at 5.4% only. 
  • Agriculture grew by 2.4% as against the target of 4.2% per annum. 
  • Industrial growth was 4.5% as against target of 3% per annum. 

10th Five Year plan ( 2002- 2007 ) 


  • 10th plan aimed at achieving 8% GDP growth. Assuming that ICOR (Incremental Capital Output Ratio) will decline with 4.53% two 3.58%. 
  • It aimed at increasing domestic saving rate from 23.52% to 29.4% of GDP and gross capital formation to 32.2% from 24.4% of GDP. 
  • To improve the overall framework of governance. 
  • Reduction of poverty ratio. 


  • Increasing GDP growth to 7.5% compared to 5.4% in 9th plan. The lower than targeted growth rate of 8% was due to low growth of 3% in first year of 10th plan. 
  • Increase in gross domestic saving and investment. 
  • Reduction in to 4.2% though high higher than targeted but less than nine plans ICOR or 4.53%. 
  • Increase in foreign exchange reserves to user U.S. dollar 287 billion. 
  • However, 10th plan fared worst in socioeconomic indications and the agricultural growth rate was mere 2.1% 

11th 5 year plan ( 2007- 2012 ) 

The national development council approved the 11th plan draft on 19th December 2007. The 11th planned document was titled towards faster and more inclusive growth.  


  • Rapid growth that reduces poverty and creates employment opportunities. 
  • Access to essential services in health and education especially for pores. 
  • Empowerment through education and skill development. 

Monitorable targets 

Income and poverty 

  • average GDP growth of 9% per year 
  • Agricultural GDP growth of 4% per year 
  • Reducing unemployment among the educated to less than 5% 


  • reduction in dropout rate at the elementary level from 52.5% in 2003- 04 20% by 2011- 12 
  • Developing minimum standard of attainment in elementary schools to ensure quality of education 
  • Increasing literacy rate to 85% by 2011- 12. 


  • Infant mortality rate (IMR) to be reduced to 28 per 1000 and MMR to 1 per 1000 by 2011- 12. 
  • Total fertility rate (tfar) to reduce to 2.1 by 2011- 12 

Women and children 

Sex ratio for age group zero to six to be increased to 935 by 2011- 12 and to 950 by 2016- 17. 


To ensure electricity connection to all villages and Below Poverty Line (BPL) household by the end of 2009 and reliable power by the end of 11th plan. To ensure all weather and road connection Google habitations with population 1000 and above ( 500 and above for hilly areas) by 2009. 


  • to increase forest and tree cover by 5% points. 
  • To attain WHO standard for air quality in all major cities by 2011- 12. 

12th five year plan ( 2012- 2017) 

The theme of this plan was faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth. It proposed a growth target of 8%. 

Monitorable targets 

 Income and poverty 

  • Average GDP growth of 8% per year. 
  • Agricultural GDP growth of 4% per year. 
  • Head count ratio of consumption poverty to be reduced by 10%. 
  • Generate 50 million new work opportunities. 


  • Mean years of schooling do increase to seven years by 2016- 17. 
  • Eliminate gender and social gap school enrollment by 2016- 17. 


  • Reduce IMR to 25 and MMR to one per 1000 live births and improve child sex ratio (0- 6 years) to 950 by 2016- 17. 
  • Reduce total fertility rate to 2.1 by 2016- 17. 

Infrastructure, including rural infrastructure 

  • Increase investment in infrastructure as a percentage of GDP to 9% by 2016- 17. 
  • Provide electricity to all villagers by 2016- 17. Connect all villages with all weather roads by 2016- 17. 

Environment and sustainability 

  • Increase green cover by 1,000,000 every year during the 12th 5 year plan.  
  • Generating 30 thousand MW renewable energy. 
  • Reduce emission intensity of GDP in line with target of 20% to 25% reduction by 2020 over 2005 levels 

Five Year Plan I – IV

Five Year Plan V – VIII


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